A last-minute checklist for *Conference* paper submission
- Ensure that the information (e.g., title, authors, abstract) in the submission systems (like HotCRP & EasyChair) matches the infomation in the paper.
- Is the title good enough?
- Search common reference errors/typos in pdf file, like "??", "[?]", "..", double space, etc.
- Convert pdf to word format and run Grammarly.
- Check latex template if follow the submission requirement, for example, ACM conferences may require to use "\documentclass[sigconf,review,anonymous]{acmart}".
- Check if already added the link to the anonymized replication package.
- Double-check the topic of the paper in the system with your co-authors/mentor/supervisor.
- Double-check the co-authors' conflict-of-interests (COIs).
- Check the reference if it contains the right/latest version of all the citations, e.g., replace the Arxiv version with the accepted version if applicable.
- Check if cited arXiv papers have been officially accepted by some venues. If yes, update the bib.
- Check tense by following Using tenses in scientific writing.
A last-minute checklist for *Journal* paper submission
- Double check the table/fig/equation/etc numbers mentioned in the response are synced with the original paper.
- Check if cited arXiv papers have been officially accepted by some venues. If yes, update the bib.
- Index all the comments in the letter to be clear and easy to follow for the editor and reviewers.
- For the response to the meta-review, provide a mention of the reviewer comments that are related to it, e.g., (Please also see the response to Comment R1.X, R2.Y, etc.) So that the reviewers can easily cross reference if he/she wants to.
- Standardise the formatting in the response letter to be uniform.
- Ensure that the cover letter appears BEFORE the paper in the Proof file when you submit it.
- Recommend AE.
- Back up the Proof file.
Good luck! 🤞
Lastest update on 4 April, 2024.